The best way to start potty training is to wait until a child is developmentally ready. This usually occurs when a child is between 24-30 months of age because this is when most children are gaining control their bladder and bowel muscles.
Readiness Checklist-The Child Should:
- Have good walking skills.
- Have a dry diaper for at least 2 hours, or has a dry diaper when waking up from a nap.
- Tells you that he or she just urinated or had a bowel movement.
- Possibly ask you to change his or her diaper.
Teaching Aides
Daniel Goes to the Potty

Daniel Tiger, the main character in the popular PBS series Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, helps teach children about using the potty. Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood is based on the popular and award-winning PBS children’s series Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.
Important Information
It is crucial for parents and teachers to recognize the importance of play for healthy child development. For more information on this topic, as well as toy safety and appropriate toys for 3- and 4-year-olds, please visit the website for The National Association for the Education of Young Children, also known as NAEYC by using the following link. https://www.naeyc.org/resources/topics/play/toys