Why Sensory Toys Are Important
There are many benefits of sensory toys for children. For example, sensory toys provide a way for children to use their sense of taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing, and movement to explore and understand the world around them. When they are born, children enter a world in which their senses are ignited. It is through their senses that children begin to process new information. Sensory play is also important because it helps to build nerve connections in children’s brains. This makes it possible for them to complete complex tasks. In addition, sensory play helps children’s brains to develop and learn from certain sensory aspects of their environment. Plus, sensory play embraces open-ended activities that encourage children to explore and create without feeling pressured to get the right answer. Overall, sensory play is considered essential for healthy child growth and development. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/benefits-of-sensory-play-ideas/
Learning in all 4 Developmental Domains
A neat thing about sensory toys is that they allow children to learn in many different ways. For example, when they are using playdough, children are using their imagination while at the same time they are strengthening the small muscles in their fingers. Also, social skills such as sharing and taking turns, are supported when children use playdough in small groups. In these small groups, children also strengthen their language and cognitive skills as they talk with each other. One child may say “My pile is bigger than yours”. Another child my observe that his snake is longer than another child’s snake.
Emotional Regulation
Playing with sensory toys also allows children to focus on something outside of themselves. When they do this, their bodies have the time and space to slow down. This is how sensory play helps children to regulate their feelings.
Types of Children’s Sensory Toys
What ever you do, make sure you have playdough! Since playdough is a sensory toy, it has a calming affect on children. As an experienced early childhood educator, the first thing I do when the classroom is “out of control” is get out the playdough! On the other hand, if the class is sluggish and practically falling asleep, play dough can stimulate and wake them up!
Sand and Water Table
Like playdough, the sand/water table is a sensory toy that also has a calming or stimulating affect. In addition, these toys allow children to explore math and science concepts while they measure and pour the sand. Sand/water tables also help the children improve their social/emotional and language skills while playing together.
Sensory Bins
The following video shows many examples of sensory bins and other sensory activities that are economical and fun!
Sensory Bottles
You can buy sensory bottles already made, but they can also be made from scratch. All you need are empty, clear plastic bottles. To make a sensory bottle that is visually appealing, fill a bottle with water, glycerin or vegetable oil, glitter, food coloring, etc. A sensory bottle that stimulates the sense of hearing would be filled with something like rice or popcorn.
Finger Painting
The following video shows how much sensory fun children can have with finger painting!
Sensory Books
Sensory books allow the children touch the pages and feel different textures. Pat the Bunny, by Dorothy Kunhardt, is a classic example of this. There are other sensory books make sounds.
More Information
It is crucial for parents and teachers to recognize the importance of play for healthy child development. For more information on this topic, as well as toy safety and age-appropriate toys for children, please visit the website for The National Association for the Education of Young Children, also known as NAEYC, by using the following link. https://www.naeyc.org/resources/topics/play/toys