The benefits of sensory toys for children with autism are numerous. First, sensory toys help them deal with challenges that they experience in traditional learning environments. From the moment they are born, children are learning to regulate their senses. However, children with learning disabilities, such as autism or ADHD, are more challenged in this area. The senses they are learning to regulate include: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, balance, and body awareness. Sensory regulation also helps with emotional regulation.
Types of Sensory Challenges
Children who are overwhelmed by sensory stimuli are hypersensitive. For example, a hypersensitive child may experience sensory overload in room with a lot of other children who are talking loudly. Many times the child will cover his ears to help quiet things down. Bright lights and strong smells can also cause sensory overload.
Children who are under-responsive to sensory stimuli are hyposensitive. For example, a child who is having difficulty with balance and coordination may be slow to respond to body signals that help with these skills.
How Sensory Toys Can Help
Sensory toys help children who face these challenges by enabling them to engage with their senses and provide feedback to their sensory systems. This helps children to better integrate and understand sensory information. This, in turn, helps them to regulate their senses and emotions. The following video shows how sensory play helps this child become engaged with his senses.
More Information
It is crucial for parents and teachers to recognize the importance of play for healthy child development. For more information on this topic, as well as toy safety and age-appropriate toys for children, please visit the website for The National Association for the Education of Young Children, also known as NAEYC by using the following link. For additional information on how sensory toys help children with autism please click on the following links. and